Friday, June 27, 2008

Book two in the Lamai Vampire series in finished, that is until my editor gets to it. My goal was to finish it by the end of June--done. What I didn't plan on was number three chomping at my brain. Working out in my garden, my mind was racing with ideas. This character needs to tell his story!
"So much for taking a break, Mom," my son says as I race upstairs to my laptop.
"Oh well, you gotta strike while the iron is hot and this iron's on fire!"
But this is therapy for me now. My middle son is moving to Florida to go to school, and I'm mildly freaking out. He's leaving this weekend...Momma's trying real hard to let the little birdies fly. It's not easy--that's an understatement. He was just 5 years old yesterday, wasn't he?
All you mommas out there...they really do grow up in the blink of an eye. Cherish every moment, I did, and they still grew up too fast!
But as my wise niece told me--"If you've raised a child that feels confident enough to go out on his own, then you've done a great job."

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer has arrived in the northeast! Temperatures in the 90's and turbulent storms due to the heat hit us Sunday. As long as no one gets hurt, I love a good thunder and lightning storm, and boy was I treated to one the other day.
This morning the weather is gorgeous. I sit and look out my bedroom window and see Mother Nature in all her glory. The beautiful bay is like glass, I hear the distant moan of a boat upon the water. My garden is popping with color. Even our first water lily bloomed in the pond. Crickets are chirping and songbirds sing, even a few crows are adding their melody. Kids are still in school, so it's nice and peaceful. Later in the day there will be more activity at the park by the beach 300 feet from our home. I am blessed.
I am half way through with the first round of edits for Blood Destiny, one more and it's off to my editor. I want to get it finished so I can enjoy the weather and ponder my next book.
I shall return when the muses allow.
Brightest Blessings!